Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Boosting Your Immunity with Vitamin C IV Therapy

Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy in New York City provides patients with vitamin C IV therapy. In this interview, Dr. Alexeyenko talks about vitamin C infusions and immune-boosting vitamin b12 injections.

Nature's Powerful Immune Boosting Antioxidant

Vitamin C IV therapies are becoming increasingly popular, as this particular nutrient gains more recognition as a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster. While vitamin C is essential, it cannot be produced by the body. With so many health benefits that it promotes, it’s a problem when you can’t take in enough, or absorb it properly. This vitamin is water-soluble, and most often taken in through fruits and vegetables, including oranges, strawberries, kiwi, peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach. The recommended intake of C is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. This can mean eating a half cup of red pepper a day, or a full cup of raw broccoli. This can be hard to do. Even if we can eat that many raw vegetables, some folks can’t absorb the vitamin when it’s consumed. Vitamin C IV therapy is beneficial in these instances. People who suffer from chronic issues, lowered immune system, or high blood pressure may find that a high dose vitamin C IV is life-changing. Another fast-acting treatment option, which helps clients feel better almost immediately are B 12 injections.

Restorative Medicine is an IV therapy center in midtown New York launched by a long-time practicing physician Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko. He is also an IV and nutrient injection specialist. He opened Restorative Medicine in midtown to serve the growing demand for this type of preventative health treatment. Based on search data, people using the phrase doctors who administer iv vitamin C near me is on the rise. This means people have experienced the restored energy, stronger immune system, speedy cell regeneration, and other benefits this treatment offers.

What Chronic Conditions can be Treated with Vitamin C IV Therapy?

The vitamin C IV benefits at Restorative Medicine give clients, many who deal with chronic issues, help, and hope. For example, those with high blood pressure suffer from debilitating symptoms and are on a path that can lead to more severe complications. Vitamin C infusions have helped their vessels relax, making way for more blood to travel freely to the heart. Some studies have shown Vitamin C to be capable of reducing systolic blood pressure. No one should consider Vitamin C as their only form of treatment. However, fighting the condition with this nutrient is something to consider as part of an overall health improvement plan. Of course, high blood pressure indicates a higher risk of heart disease, so significant doses of C can also minimize that risk as well. The vitamin can also contribute to better cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. If these treatments can be combined with an improvement in diet, and an increase in physical activity, the change can be remarkable.

Another health factor that a Vitamin C IV can influence is a reduction in blood uric acid levels, which helps to prevent Gout. This is a form of arthritis that can become extremely painful. Inflammation of the joints is involved, and there can be a lot of swelling and severe attacks of pain. Symptoms will begin to appear when uric acid, which is mostly waste produced by the body, gets too high. It can even crystallize and deposit in the joints, which is painful. Studies on how Vitamin C can reduce uric acid in the blood and improve the symptoms of Gout look promising.

How Can Vitamin C IV Therapy Improve Organ Functions?

A common condition in countries where there are a lot of processed foods consumed is iron deficiency. Iron supports necessary functions throughout the body, making healthy red blood cells, transporting oxygen, and more. It is not uncommon for low levels of iron to cause extreme fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and even cognitive slowdowns. Vitamin C can improve the body’s ability to absorb iron and reduce these symptoms.

Of course, for a long time, we’ve understood that vitamin C keeps the body more resistant to disease. How does this work? This nutrient encourages the production of white blood cells, which are the warriors our bodies use to fight infection. Vitamin C protects white blood cells from harmful free radicals, molecules which are out to wreak havoc on a cellular level.

Last but hardly least, Vitamin C boosts the skin’s defense system, which operates as our first line of defense against antioxidants. A Vitamin C IV therapy infusion means wounds heal faster, health outcomes improve, and recovery from illness is quick.

Cognitive decline, including memory loss, foggy thinking, and symptoms of dementia, can be caused by oxidative stress and inflammation near the brain. Vitamin C is a known antioxidant. It is hoped that this nutrient can reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and protect our most important organ, the brain. And finally, one can’t discount the fact that Vitamin C restores the elasticity and hydration of skin, so many consider this an anti-aging treatment as well.

Adding B12 Injections to Vitamin C Infusions

Because IV therapies are designed to work on such a deep, cellular level, it can take time to feel the beneficial effects of an IV treatment. For that reason, Restorative Medicine may offer a B 12 injection to follow other IV treatments, because it’s a fast-acting energy booster. Dr. Alexeyenko will recommend a B 12 complex injection if people want to feel stronger and more energetic, right away. Anyone wondering whether there is vitamin C IV near me can call or visit Restorative Medicine.

Vitamin C IV New York NY

Learn More About Vitamin C IV Treatments at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy

To learn more about the Vitamin C IV infusions and B12 injections with Dr. Alexeyenko at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy, visit the clinic website (https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/what-we-do/) . Patients who have questions about IV therapy should call (917) 994-9390 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alexeyenko.

The next post Boosting Your Immunity with Vitamin C IV Therapy was first seen on Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy New York Read more on: www.vladimiralexeyenkomd.com

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