Friday, July 5, 2019

Rehabilitation Center Programs Vs NAD+ IV Therapy

Are you in need of long-term help to diminish the cravings of addiction? Have you tried what seems like everything to get your life back on track to lead a happier, healthier, and better life? If you've tried rehabilitation centers, AA, and other treatments but you've yet to be successful there is still hope for you at New Spring Wellness Center. Our intravenous NAD IV therapy could be the solution you are looking for to diminish those cravings of addictions from drug and alcohol abuse. Sound too good to be true? Find out how IV NAD+ Therapy compares to other forms of treatments below.

Private Inpatient Facilities

At an inpatient rehab facility, patients typically spend anywhere from 28 days to 90 days depending on the state of the individual. Patients are required to stay on site during the duration of their treatment. Due to the need for housing and food accommodations, these types of programs are typically pricy. You will have 24/7 medical care to help with withdrawal symptoms. Cravings for drugs and alcohol are very common in this type of program and can be difficult to overcome, which often leads to relapse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40-60% experience relapse after treatment.

Public Outpatient Programs 

Public Outpatient Programs are a relatively cost-effective solution that is often funded by the government. These programs offer counseling for 10-30 days and typically after the counseling is complete they prescribe their patients with a prescription that is supposed to replace the substance that they are addicted to. While these programs are typically low-cost, the patients are responsible for paying for the prescriptions on their own which can cost hundreds of dollars per month. These types of programs often have a long waiting list and the success rate of 10-20%.

Alcoholics Anonymous 

Alcoholics Anonymous focus on support from fellow alcoholics in the form of a weekly meeting and do not include a detox program or medical attention. This program is designed to offer up support but as you can image, without the detoxification process, this program only has a 6-8% success rate.

IV NAD+ Therapy 

Our NAD+ Therapy in Missouri is a natural way to recover from addictions. NAD+ IV Therapy not only helps you detox but it also restores your body with naturally occurring nutrients to restore the brain to optimal functioning. Our drug and alcohol treatment program at the Lake of the Ozarks takes anywhere from 6-10 days depending on the protocol that is determined by our doctor. Patients that choose NAD+ Therapy typically report little to no withdrawal symptoms during their detox and no cravings after the treatment is complete. The best news is that the success rate of NAD+ IV Therapy is more than 85%!

This article first appeared here:

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